Phone # – (866) 222-8029. The Voice Case Information System is designed to make gathering information on bankruptcy cases easier and more efficient. With a standard touch-tone telephone you can access the system and obtain basic case information by entering search clues on the telephone keypad. Call VCIS and you can search by:
- Debtor Name
- Social Security Number
- Case Number
You can check five (5) names or cases per call. If a case is found, the system provides the following:
- Case Number
- Judge
- Case Status
- Name of Debtor
- Chapter
- Asset/No Asset
- Trustee
- Filing Date
- Attorney for Debtor (name and telephone number)
- 341 Meeting Date, Time, Location (if meeting is pending)
- Discharge Date (if applicable)
- Closing Date (if applicable)
Direct questions about VCIS to the clerk’s office at (515) 284-6230. This service is provided free of charge.